Uses of Salt

Salt (Sodium Chloride) is one of the five basic taste sensations sweet, salty, sour, bitter and umami. We all know that salt is the most essential seasoning in our daily cooking. Generally, it is used to enhance the taste of a recipe but you will be surprised to know that it also acts as a great preservative for our blood cells and blood vessels. Our body cannot function without salt, because every cell in the human body is dependent on the presence of sodium.

Not only salt is necessary for your body, but here are number of ways of using salt. Let's have a look at the following benefits of salt in our day to day life:

• Salt is an essential nutrient of our daily diet. Be it humans or animals all possess an inherent appetite for salt. It acts as an appetiser for our digestive system.
• Salt can even work in preserving food. It protects the stored food from spoiling and retarding the growth of microorganism.
• You can use salt to melts ice in the winter. People residing at places where the temperature remains down, use salt to melt the ice from the sidewalk when it snows.
• Dip your toothbrush in a mixture of one table spoon of salt with 4 tablespoon o water to have white and shiny teeth. It will also be useful in bad breath.
• Salt is also brings wonders when you have a toothache. Put a pinch of salt in a glass of warm water and then gargle, it helps keeping teeth decay clean until you visit a dentist.
• Want to preserve your cheese for loner? Dip a cloth in salt water and wrap it before putting the cheese in the refrigerator.
• If your child is a slow eater and the apple gets brown while eating, do not worry. All fruits such as apples and pears, when peeled undergo a process called oxidation. Just place them in lightly salted water before serving it to your kid, the colour and freshness of the fruit will remain for long.
• You can use salt for cleaning the appliances like brass, copper, kitchen utensils etc. By mixing salt and vinegar into a thick paste, it can be applied as a polish. Use a soft cloth to apply, then rinse thoroughly in water and dry well.
• Salt acts as bleach. It can be used to clean floor of the house or the corners of your washroom. Sprinkle the salt at the place where moist has accumulated and leave it for sometime before cleaning it. Salt will absorb the obdurate dirt form there making your work easier.
• You can put salt in baked goods like cakes, cookies, chocolates and bread etc. It balances the flavour of all the other ingredients.
• It also helps you while doing utensils. To remove tea and coffee stains on cups and decanters, sprinkle salt onto a sponge and use a circular motion when rubbing over the stains.
• Salt mixed in hot water can be used to kill weeds and remove fungus.
We hope you will now start using salt more than just a seasoning after reading this article. If you are aware of more usage of salt in your day to day life, please share with us in our comment box.