Effects of Global Warming

1. Rising of the Sea Levels

When the surface temperature warms up, it causes a significant melting of ice from the glaciers, sea ice as well as the polar ice shelf. When this happens, it increases the quantity of water that flows into oceans all around the world & leads to sea levels rising dramatically, threatening numerous population centers which are positioned in the low-lying coast areas. Scientists have speculated that the melting of ice from Antarctica & Greenland could raise sea levels by over 20 feet till we reach 2100!

2. Heat Waves
Severe heat waves have become more common and the reason is that the greenhouse gases have been trapped inside the atmosphere. Studies state that these heat waves will keep on increasing over the years & become 100 times worse. This will result in a swell in illnesses that are heat-related and also trigger countless wildfires.

 3. Killer Storms

When the temperature of the oceans becomes warmer, it fuels storms that are more intense. Global warming shall cause storms to become extremely severe and the numbers will increase as well. The warm ocean water will fuel storm intensity & result in greater number of extremely devastating hurricanes. Effects such as these are being felt already today – we have seen that in the last 30 years, the severity & number of cyclones, hurricanes and storms have increased and they have nearly doubled. All this leads to floods, damage of property as well as loss of life.

 4. Drought

Droughts are on the opposite pole of this spectrum & we can see that they are already creating havoc on various parts of our planet. The climate is warming up & in turn dwindling the supply of water, leading to poor agricultural conditions. Because of this, crops are failing increasingly. There is a major shortage of water which is causing disruptions in the global production of food & making starvation increasingly widespread.

 5. Species becoming Extinct

Desertification, warming up of the ocean temperatures, as well as deforestation is all contributing to disastrous & irreversible changes that are occurring in the habitat  & threatening to endanger several species that might soon become extinct. Polar bear happens to be the prime example and we see that their numbers are continuously falling as they struggle to acclimatize to loss in ice in regions in arctic. One thing that is crucial for human success is biodiversity & the loss of precious flora & fauna because of mass extinction will threaten our entire planet.

 6. Disease

When there is a change in the habitat, it automatically translates to a rise in diseases all across the globe. Warmer temperatures, floods & droughts all combine & create a condition where rats, mosquitoes, as well as other pests that are disease-carrying not only thrive, but also adapt. Diseases such as cholera, West Nile virus, Lyme disease, dengue fever, etc. are ever increasing & are no longer limited to the tropical climates. It is seen that asthma is on a rise because of the increasing smog.

7. Disappearing Glaciers

All across the globe we are seeing that glaciers are shrinking & that too at a very alarming rate. The Glacier National Park boasted a whooping 150 glaciers once upon a time, but now those numbers have dwindled to a mere 35 because of an alarming rise in the temperature. Elsewhere, the areas that were once covered in permafrost have now become home to numerous colorful plant life that is non-native.

8. Wars

Worldwide conflicts & hostilities are on a rise as the numerous nations are competing for the resources that are dwindling. Not many of us are aware that the genocide that happened in Darfur region in Sudan was the consequence of ecological crisis that had roots in reduction of the natural resources that were brought about due to climatic changes. The wars in Somalia started under very similar circumstances. Today, experts dread that such increase in wars for water & food will result in hostility & aggression among some countries.

9. Economic Instability
A nation’s economy is directly correlated to the consequences of climatic changes. Natural disasters like floods as well as hurricanes are costly, there are cleanup costs, and there is extensive damage to property, people lose their incomes and yet they try to reconstruct their lives. Global crisis is leading to a rise in the costs of energy & food; there are more costly insurance premiums, there’s loss of tourism dollars & industrial profits.

10. Ecosystem Failure

The increase in the greenhouse gases is not only causing drastic changes in the higher atmosphere but it is causing havoc across our entire planet, thereby affecting water supply, clean air for agriculture output as well as energy resources. Plants & animals either die or they move to other habitats (non-native) when the ecosystems on which they depend to survive (like coral reefs) are threatened by the warming temperature of the sea & more acidic water. As the change in climate affects the way of life, even humans shall migrate – resulting in increased competition and war over the small quantity of resources.

Preventive Measures:
There are numerous ways in which we can prevent long-term effects of global warming. A reduction in energy consumption is the simplest way to reduce these effects. Other precautionary measures include:

We should install light bulbs that are energy-efficient;
Always turn down the A/C & heaters;
Start using bicycles or start walking to work instead of buying more cars;
Unplug your phones & computer chargers whenever you are not using them.

cr: Jyotsna

Most Destructive Computer Viruses

Computer viruses are harmful programs created by anti-social elements (hackers) which can self duplicate itself in the computer system to harm its smooth functioning. Computer viruses are not only a big cause of worry for casual computer users but they have also created problems for governments, hospitals, schools and huge organizations by destroying their systems. Computer viruses spread faster than a cold virus thanks to the Internet which connects almost every computer in the world through its amazing technology. In today's age it would really be impossible to function without a computer even for a single day, imagine the state of multi-billion dollar organizations who depend entirely on computers for their smooth functioning. Almost every computer virus originated is capable enough for major destruction, here are the names of some of the most destructive computer viruses that have made history.

Most Deadliest Computer Viruses are the most destructive computer viruses have caused damage worth billions of dollars, some have wiped of top secret documents from hard disks which could never be recovered again and most of them have affected the market by shutting down businesses for hours. Computer viruses are nothing but an online threat distributed through the Internet by hackers who like creating havoc in today's corporate world. Here are the viruses which have become immortal in the world of computers due to the amount of destruction caused by them.

Storm Worm
This virus came to the fore in the year 2006 and the public began speculating about it when it was sent to millions of computers in the form of an email saying, '230 dead as storm batters Europe'. Different companies called this virus by different names. Basically Storm Worm is a Trojan horse program which makes computers into zombies or bots. As the machines become infected, they can be controlled by the person who actually sent this worm. This virus is widespread, it is not very difficult to detect. Updating the computer anti-virus system is probably the best way to keep Storm Worm away.

ILOVEYOU aka Love Letter Virus
The ILOVEYOU virus is still known as the most dangerous virus ever written by a hacker. It is still regarded the most deadliest computer virus of all time which caused companies a loss of more than $10 billion. The virus expanded by spreading itself through email. Once the user opened the email, the virus attached itself to the memory and infected all important files and folders. Once in the computer the virus tries to reach other users by scanning all the addresses in the Microsoft Outlook List of the current user. The virus was originally written by a Filipino programmer who was still pursuing his college education at that time. This virus spread through the entire world in just 24 hours and affected system of multinational companies and also the Pentagon resulting in loses worth billions of dollars.

Leap-A gathered a lot of press attention because it is one of those few viruses which have been successful in corrupting MAC systems. Yes, Apple is known to make software and hardware systems which are resistant to viruses, the company protects their systems by sending regular updates to their users. MAC computers are protected from virus attacks with the help of a concept called Security through Obscurity. However, due to the recent popularity of MAC system, in 2006 a hacker created the Leap-A virus which uses the iChat messaging system to travel through various vulnerable MAC computers.

Another destructive virus which made worldwide headlines, Melissa virus was a type of mass-mailing malware which affected more than 20% of computers worldwide. Computers who worked on Microsoft, Intel were the worst sufferers and companies who used Microsoft Outlook for their emails also incurred heavy losses. The Melissa virus traveled through email with an MS Word attachment and when users opened it, the virus immediately mailed itself to the first 50 people in the Outlook list.

CIH aka Chernobyl Virus
Not only the name but the virus itself was so destructive that it's release made international headlines all around the world. CIH was the most dreaded computer virus because it had the ability to remain undetected in a computer's memory for a very long time. Once in the system, it used to hamper every program that was run. The virus first debuted in 1998 and affected various Windows systems of 95 and 98. This virus was also equipped with a trigger date and once the date was reached , the virus overwrote the files on the hard drive and destroyed it original contents.

Code Red
Code Red was a computer worm which debuted in the world of computers in the year 2001. It specifically attacked computers running the Microsoft's IIS web server. It suppressed the Windows system by acting as a buffer overflow and sent huge amounts of data to the computer so that it is forced to shut down.

Even though technology today is highly advanced and secure, systems and networks keep getting infected again and again. This is because people don't spend enough money on a good anti-virus software and most of them are too lazy to update their anti-virus software after regular intervals.

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