Mood Raya ^_^

So niceee lah these packaging

1 (a) Sliced  Bread Notebook

1 (b)

2 (a) Honey Packaging

2 (b)

3(a) Beverages packaging 


4(a) Coffee ice economy packaging


5(a) T-shirt packaging





6(a) Butter/spread packaging


Coconut water

Coconut Water contains organic compounds possessing healthy growth promoting properties that have been known to help:
  • Keep the body cool and at the proper temperature
  • Orally re-hydrate your body, it is an all natural isotonic beverage 
  • Carry nutrients and oxygen to cells
  • Naturally replenish your body's fluids after  exercising 
  • Raise your metabolism 
  • Promote weight lossBoost your immune system
  • Detoxify and fight viruses
  • Cleanse your digestive tract
  • Control diabetes
  • Aid your body in fighting viruses that cause the flu, herpes, and AIDS
  • Balance your PH and reduce risk of cancer
  • Treat kidney and urethral stones
  • Boost poor circulation


Headache is becoming very common among all of us due to highly technical, busy daily schedule. Long hours on computer, stress and tension all triggers headache. Although most headaches are mild and temporary, but some people have headaches that are so severe they need to consult a doctor for pain relief.

Main causes of headache:
  • Prolonged tension or stress, known as tension headaches
  • Migraine is especially triggered due to hormonal changes, certain foods, strong odors, lack of sleep and even stress.
  • Eyestrain
  • Smoking
  • Light sensitivity
  • Sitting constantly in an abnormal position.
  • Sinus headaches can occur after upper respiratory infections such as a cold.
  • Cluster headaches are a relatively uncommon type of headache. They tend to occur in clusters over a few days, weeks or months with long headache-free periods lasting from months to years.
Although headaches can be painful and debilitating, they are usually not due to dangerous conditions. However, occasionally headaches can be a sign of something more serious.
When to contact doctor:
  • Gets worse over days or weeks
  • Is accompanied by impaired neurological function and double vision.  
  • If causes nausea and vomiting
  • seizures, mental disturbances, and loss of consciousness
  • Fever and/or stiff neck along with headache.
  • strikes suddenly with great intensity
  • You just can't sleep and is worse when you lie down
  • Taking an over-the-counter painkiller such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen helps a lot.
  • Take proper rest and prevent from eyestrain.
  • Correcting poor posture and exercising
  • Sinus headaches usually require antibiotics or other treatments to clear up the infection.
  • Stronger medications may need to be prescribed if the headaches are more severe.
  • Chiropractic spinal manipulation - the primary form of care provided by doctors of chiropractic - may be an effective treatment option for tension headaches and headaches that originate in the neck.
Preventive measures:
  • Recognize the reason of your headache and try to avoid the situation.
  • Take proper rest and exercise daily.
  • Proper sleep.
  • Get your eyes tested.
  • Try to be in stress free environment.
  • Always sit in correct posture.
  • Avoid constantly looking at TV or computer.
  • Avoid any food or drinks, such as those containing caffeine, that seem to trigger headaches.
  • Certain medications taken at regular intervals may reduce the frequency and severity of headaches. Your doctor may recommend preventive medication.
Keep a headache diary. Gradually you will be able to know the trigger for your headache, knowing the trigger means half battle won.