Color and Character: Are They Related?

Psychologists believe that color of clothing a person chooses depends on at least a few factors. And it is not only fashion trends that determine it. Your mood, state of mind and even character traits – all contribute to the decision. Read this article and find your favorite color. Is the description given right about you?

Pink color. You are very feminine, mild, tender and sensitive person. Subconsciously you aspire for romantic feelings.

Yellow color. You are an optimistic, sociable and at the same time light-headed girl. People tend to value your wittiness and sense of humor.

Red color. You are active and energetic, passionate and cheerful. But from time to time you can be hot-tempered.

Green color. You are hardworking, balanced, confident and reasonable. Career is more important for you than love and romanticism.

Blue color. You like stability and calmness in relationship much more than frequent changes and passionate impulses.

Violet color. You are a creative person. You value beauty, exquisiteness and sophistication. Mood swings are common for you.

Black color. You are reserved and sometimes shy. You dislike attention and subconsciously look for people who could protect you from environment.

Orange color. You are joyous, emotional, sincere and amorous.

White color. You are a dreamer. You like lightness and loftiness.