Knowing About Cancer-Facts and Stats 2011

Cancer is now the world’s leading cause of death, Each year millions of people die with cancer in 2004 stats were 7.4 million deaths globally, in 2007 it was 7.9 million deaths and in 2010 it took the first place in the causes of death with over 8 million deaths worldwide. Cancer is the disease in which groups of cells start uncontrolled growth and form a tumor, Well the presence of this disease can be suspected by various symptoms. Smoking and drinking excess of alcohol is one of the major cause of cancers in the world while breast cancer is most common form of cancer in more then 100 cancer types. I am writing this article to tell you some important facts and stats about cancer which you might not know.

  1. Cancer is the leading cause of deaths in the world with more then 8 millions of deaths 13.5% of all causes of deaths globally.
  2. There are more than 100 types of cancer with the breast cancer most common in females.
  3. In men the highest number of deaths are caused by these five types of cancer (lung, stomach, liver, colorectal and esophagus).
  4. In women following five types of cancer cause most deaths (breast, lung, stomach, colorectal and cervical).
  5. It is said that in 2030 death with the cancer would be almost 12 million worldwide, which is big reason to worry.
  6. According to WHO 30 percent of cancers can be prevented by no use of tobacco, healthy diet and physical exercise.
  7. Almost 33% of cancers can be cured if they are detected in early stages.
  8. HPV and HBV hepatitis are one of the diseases which cause cancer.
  9. 70 percent of deaths by cancer are caused in the undeveloped low income countries.
  10. Less use of tobacco will decrease almost 15% of deaths caused by cancer annually.